Who me?

Oops!  She tagged the wrong person.

I’ll send her a note and let her know.

I went back to checking my email and there were several messages in my inbox congratulating me.

I responded to one,

“Thank you, but I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

I went back to LinkedIn ready to send a note to Rachel Andrews at Cvent where I worked several years ago to let her know she had tagged the wrong Shelley Brown and not the right Shelley Brown who is a current employee.

But then something crazy happened!

OMG!  It is me!

It’s me!

I am a Woman to Watch!

And it’s International Women’s Day

And I used to be less of a Woman to Watch and more of the “Watch out for her” type in a sort of extra, weird, stay away way.

What!  Wait!  This is amazing!

And And the company with whom I am included….Well, I mean just look at the list.


Can you even?

Thank you so much!  I am so proud, thrilled and honored!

Thank you Courtney Stanley for being a Woman's Woman and for being YOU!

Watch me! Watch me!

Better yet, work with me ❤️

Your Future Friend


How are we going to make her pretty?


Best in Row - Dallas to MO