Please take a bunch of selfies!

Take a bunch of Selfies!

That’s right!

If you want to possess the #1 leadership skill, take a bunch of selfies!

No, no, I don’t mean the kind of selfies where you pose in your favorite way from your favorite angle, in your favorite shirt, with your favorite drink, your favorite friends, your dog (don’t worry, I got you cat people), your marathon medals or your employees.

I mean the kind of selfie great leaders take all the time.

Revealing ourselves to ourselves is one of the hardest, most vulnerable and imperative things we can ever do.

Just ask my sister Brenée, she talk about this stuff all day.  Okay, fine, I’m not from Texas but we share the same last name, and she may as well be my synergistic weird girl twin!

The selfie I’m talking about is the continuous practice of self-awareness.

No filter allowed.

When we constantly check in with ourselves to really see and assess how we are showing up we have the opportunity to:

1.     Ask ourselves if our behaviors and actions and are aligned with our values.
2.     Take accountability and course correct when we are aware we’ve been unskillful or out of alignment.
3.     Notice our narratives, judgements, stories and biases, practice curiosity and makes choices.
4.     Work through our emotions, emotionally regulate to be a more responsive and effective leader.
5.     Practice presence for ourselves and those we lead.

Self-awareness is #1 leadership because without it practicing empathy, kindness, adaptability, vulnerability, curiosity…are just buzzwords.

Please take a bunch of selfies!


Hold on Baby!


Unlimited Hospitality