A reminder for you

Unless you have somehow bypassed the human condition, we all need reminders.

I decided to paint Iris Apfel

a powerful human being who lived to be 102

I could list many of her accomplishments

But to me, her legacy serves as a reminder about the power each of us

(Excerpt from my talk "The Belonging Equation")

You have the power to walk into a room and change the energy, change the conversation, change the tone

You have the power to use your voice to speak up

You have the power of choice to pull out a chair, take a seat or give someone else a seat at the table

You have the power to shut it down

You have the power to stand up for what you believe

You have the power to walk away

You have the power of choice

Who to welcome, who to align with, who to lift up.

You have the power to proceed without permission.

You have the power to rebel.

You have the power to take a risk.

You have the power to make it better.

You have the power to make others feel the most important thing they can feel in any country at any time – that they belong.

Not using this power weakens you and the whole damn system

But it’s such an easy fix.
Reach out.

Embrace who you are and remind those around you that they have value, that they matter and that they belong.

Remind them of their own power!

Don’t play small.

You can leave a legacy or you can live a legacy every freaking day

Use your power to brave and daring to show up more authentically each and every day because when you go first, you make it safe for others to follow.

For God’s sake

YOU are One of a KIND!

Know your power and use your power for good!

This message is brought to you by my MUST as Chief Belongingologist.

If you need a reminder as well as some additional ways to foster a continuous culture of belonging - Reach out - I'm here for it with BIG BOLD COLORFUL keynotes and workshops.


I don’t believe in reinvention, I believe in reconnection.